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Analyst – Gender
Council of Europe Development Bank
€70,595 EUR-€90,205 EUR / yearly
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Analyst – Gender
Council of Europe Development Bank
Hybrid- Career category: Research/ Data analysis
- Job type: Job
- Humanitarian or Development: Development
- Experience level: 5-10 years
- Organisation type: Development Bank
- Remote option: Hybrid
- Right to work requirements: Not specified
- Remuneration: €70,595 EUR-€90,205 EUR / yearly
- Work schedule: Full-time
- Length of contract: Temporary/ Fixed-term
Generic (e.g. 'gender focal point' role Gender equality and Social inclusion (GESI) Economic justiceDescriptionThe Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), established in 1956, is a multilateral development bank with a unique social mandate from its 43 member states. The CEB finances investment in social sectors, including education, health and affordable housing, with a focus on the needs of vulnerable people. Borrowers include governments, local and regional authorities, public and private banks, non-profit organisations and others. The CEB approves projects according to strict social, environmental and governance criteria, and provides technical assistance. As a multilateral bank with a triple-A credit rating, the CEB funds itself on the international capital markets. In addition, the CEB receives funds from donors to complement its activities.
KEY RESPONSIBILITIESReporting to the Director of the Technical Assessment and Monitoring Directorate, the incumbent will be in charge of the following tasks:- To contribute to strengthening the CEB’s policies, internal guidelines and procedures relating to gender equality. This includes methodological frameworks for assessing gender-related impacts in operations and developing tools, methodologies and guidance documents within the CEB, such as new policy approaches addressing gender equality and other related social priorities.
- To contribute to due diligence of new project proposals submitted to CEB for financing, including in particular the assessment of gender-analysis and opportunities, and monitor the management of gender-focused safeguards in ongoing projects.
- To collaborate with internal teams and external stakeholders to integrate gender considerations into project design and implementation, fostering inclusivity and social sustainability, documenting the actions taken and providing input throughout the project cycle in order to effectively manage gender-related matters.
- To develop and deliver (case-based) training to enhance knowledge and capacity of relevant staff (within TAM in particular) to handle gender considerations in projects, including conducting gender analyses, promote gender mainstreaming and measure gender-specific results.
- To work in partnership with relevant units within the CEB in order to mobilise technical expertise enhancing the projects’ social sustainability by addressing gender inclusivity and promoting gender-responsive solutions.
- To map and analyse gender-related trends and practices of CEB member countries.
Profile- An advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) preferably in social sciences, gender studies social studies, political sciences, community development, planning, applied economics, statistics, law or related discipline.
- Complementary education and/or relevant experience on social aspects and gender analysis required
- Minimum 3 years of professional experience of gender aspects in project financing, acquired if possible in multilateral or national financial institutions.
- Professional experience in identification, management and monitoring of gender risks and impacts, incl. carrying out gender analyses, in social infrastructure projects.
- Excellent command of one of the two CEB official languages (English and French), both oral and written, and knowledge of the other, with a commitment to reach a good working level.
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Consultancy for research on gender and climate
Oxfam Novib
Northwest and Northeast Africa
Northwest and Northeast Africa
Not Disclosed
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Consultancy for research on gender and climate
Oxfam Novib
Hybrid- Career category: Research/ Data analysis
- Job type: Consultancy
- Humanitarian or Development: Humanitarian & Development Nexus
- Experience level: Not specified
- Organisation type: Civil Society
- Remote option: Hybrid
- Right to work requirements: Not specified
- Remuneration: Not Disclosed
- Length of contract: Temporary/ Fixed-term
Climate & Environmental justice Movement building Food security & NutritionOBJET DU PRESENT CONTRAT
L’objectif de cette consultation est de mener une recherche qualitative sur 3 des pays d’Afrique du Nord, sous forme d’étude de cas, sur les intersections entre le genre et la justice climatique. Plus spécifiquement, cette recherche vise à offrir une analyse féministe sur la dimension genrée des pertes et dommages liés au changement climatique. Cette recherche vise aussi à créer avec les partenaires d’Oxfam un espace de réflexion stratégique sur la question Genre et Climat en Afrique du Nord. Elle doit permettre d’offrir des bases conceptuelles communes, qui permettront d’explorer les possibilités d’un narratif et d’un agenda commun autour de cette question.
Son objectif est de pouvoir informer Oxfam et ses partenaires sur la signification de perte et dommage lié au changement climatique, lorsqu’abordé depuis une perspective féministe et basée sur les vécus. En offrant un narratif féministe sur la dimension genrée des pertes et dommages liés au changement climatique, cette recherche doit permettre d’outiller Oxfam et ses partenaires et créer un espace collectif de réflexion stratégique pour l’amélioration de leurs programmes.
Plus particulièrement cette recherche vise à :
• Comprendre la dimension genrée des pertes et dommages économiques, et non économiques. Cette recherche ne cherche pas à quantifier ces pertes et dommages, mais de leur « donner-sens » par les communautés
• Développer une compréhension commune et contextualisée sur les intersections entre le genre et la justice économique, et les termes de pertes et dommages, qui soit informés par les vécus des gens dans les trois pays de la région.
• Développer un agenda commun qui plaide une approche féministe intersectionnelle centré sur les manières dont les personnes sont affectées par les changements climatiques en fonction notamment de leur genre, race, groupe ethnique, classe économique, religion.
• Répertorier les initiatives et politiques en cours et acteurs influents sur la question Genre et climat.
• Capturer les savoirs locaux évincés sur la manière de prendre soin de l’environnement qui pourrait améliorer la réaction aux changements climatiques et la diminution des pertes et dommages.
La société/ personne(s) doi(vent)t faire preuve des compétences suivantes :
Critères essentiels
[Nous encourageons fortement que cette recherche soit menée par un groupe de personne étant donné son ampleur régionale et sa courte durée. Le groupe de personne responsable de la recherche doit réunir les expertises suivantes :- Expérience de recherche féministe et employant des méthodologies féministes.
- Facilitation féministe
- Connaissances approfondies de la justice de genre, et de la justice climatique, et/ou de la question genre et climat.
- Expérience de travail avec la société civile dans la région, et avec des organisations internationales.
- Maitrise de l’arabe, du français.*When clicking on “Apply”, you will be redirected to the original job announcement and details
*There are individuals who may use name and trademark in emails and on websites in an attempt to solicit fees from interested job-seekers. Some examples of these fees are placement fees or immigration processing fees. does not use recruiting or placement agencies that charge candidates an up-front fee of any kind. If you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud from someone pretending to be, please contact us at [email protected]
Senior Communications Officer
Women's Link Worldwide
East Africa, South America and the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, Northern, Southern and Western Europe
East Africa
$35,000 USD-$55,000 USD / yearly
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Open till filled
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Senior Communications Officer
Women's Link Worldwide
Remote (local)- Location: East Africa, South America and the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, Northern, Southern and Western Europe
- Career category: Comms/ Digital/ Media
- Job type: Job
- Experience level: 0-5 years
- Organisation type: Civil Society
- Remote option: Remote (local)
- Right to work requirements: Anyone can apply
- Remuneration: $35,000 USD-$55,000 USD / yearly
- Work schedule: Full-time
- Length of contract: Temporary/ Fixed-term
Movement buildingAbout Women’s Link
We are an intersectional feminist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-ableist, and Global South-led organization, working with and for the feminist movement in Latin America and the Caribbean, East Africa, and Europe. We proudly work with more than 60 national partners across those regions and 40 regional and global coalitions and networks.
We strengthen and transform the feminist strategic litigation ecosystem to break down barriers, challenge oppressive systems, and alter power imbalances by breaking the walls of the legal sphere and bringing in those left out.
Central to our method is an intersectional approach applied through legal strategies that secure rights for women, girls, and gender-diverse people. Our priorities are gender and reproductive justice, especially access to safe and dignified abortion, and prevention of gender-based violence. Climate and racial justice are intricately linked to our work on sexual and reproductive rights and gender-based violence.
Position Overview
The Senior Communications Officer works to design, implement and lead strategic communications to achieve outcomes aligned with Women’s Link’s mission, impact, institutional identity and positioning. This position requires strategic thinking to identify priority audiences and design communications strategies that leverage Women's Link's comparative value. It also requires an ability to generate creative and bold ideas, to translate them into concrete plans and strategies, and to effectively oversee their implementation while responding to unexpected opportunities. This position is responsible for the management of the communication function of the organization.
Qualifications and Skills
- Minimum 6 years of relevant communications experience, preferably communications for social change and/or human rights.
- At least 2 years of people and/or project management experience, including third-party service providers.
- Fluent in both languages: English (C1/C2 or native level) and Spanish (C1/C2 or native level).
- Professional degree in the areas of communications, information sciences, social sciences or humanities or equivalent relevant experience.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and Spanish, with a proven ability to create persuasive and engaging content on legal topics
- Creativity, initiative and ability to perform within a changing and complex environment.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish productive working relationships with diverse stakeholders.
- Ability to handle complex and sensitive information, discussions, and processes with care and confidentiality
- Commitment to feminist, anti-racist, and anti-colonial values, with a passion for advancing gender equality and women's rights.
- Ability to work effectively in a multicultural, multinational environment, demonstrating cultural sensitivity and adaptability.
- Desirable a master's degree in communications, social sciences or humanities or a related field
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Coordinador/a de proyecto Parlamentos en la era digital
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
$U4,531,170 UYU-$U6,936,244 UYU / yearly
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Coordinador/a de proyecto Parlamentos en la era digital
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Career category: Programme/ Project design & management
- Job type: Job
- Experience level: 0-5 years
- Organisation type: Inter-governmental
- Remote option: No
- Right to work requirements: Nationals-only contract
- Remuneration: $U4,531,170 UYU-$U6,936,244 UYU / yearly
- Work schedule: Full-time
- Length of contract: Temporary/ Fixed-term
Political participationLa Oficina del PNUD en Uruguay está llevando adelante, desde el año 2023, una estrategia orientada al Parlamento como espacio de debate y representación política clave de la vida democrática. La calidad de la democracia es precisamente un desafío que supone una construcción permanente y el PNUD en Uruguay se ha posicionado como un aliado para transitar ese camino.
Objetivo general de la consultoría y actividades indicativas
El objetivo de la consultoría es realizar la coordinación general de la implementación de la iniciativa de referencia en sus diversos componentes.
En este marco, se plantean las siguientes actividades indicativas:- Liderar la gestión general del proyecto a través de tareas de planificación, apoyo seguimiento a la implementación de actividades, en base al cronograma definido.
- Supervisar el cumplimiento del cronograma de trabajo y de la matriz de indicadores, así como proponer los ajustes que se entiendan pertinentes en el marco del plazo de duración de la iniciativa, asegurando la calidad de los productos.
- Facilitar la coordinación entre los diversos actores involucrados para la adecuada implementación de la iniciativa, incluyendo el equipo del PNUD a nivel nacional y global, consultorías contratadas en el marco de los componentes del proyecto, expertos/as de la academia, comisiones parlamentarias, juventudes de los partidos políticos, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, grupos de mujeres, instituciones públicas, entre otros.
Los productos esperados son los siguientes:- Informes bimensuales de implementación de actividades y presupuesto ejecutado.
- Informe intermedio (a los cinco meses de la firma del contrato) de avance de implementación de actividades, logro hacia el cumplimiento de indicadores y objetivos, presupuesto ejecutado, monitoreo de riesgos y lecciones aprendidas.
- Informe final de implementación de la iniciativa (actividades, indicadores, logro de objetivos, presupuesto ejecutado, registro de riesgos y medidas de mitigación, lecciones aprendidas).
Acuerdos institucionales
La supervisión y seguimiento de la consultoría estará a cargo de la Analista de Programa de Gobernanza Efectiva, Protección Social y Desarrollo Territorial de la Oficina del PNUD en Uruguay.
CompetenciasCompetencias esenciales: |
Obtener resultados: | NIVEL 2: Aumenta la escala de las soluciones y simplifica los procesos, equilibra la velocidad y la precisión al realizar el trabajo.
Pensar de forma innovadora: | NIVEL 2: Ofrecer nuevas ideas/estar abierto a nuevos enfoques, demostrar un pensamiento sistémico/integrado.
Aprender continuamente: | NIVEL 2: Salir de la zona de confort, aprender de los demás y apoyar su aprendizaje.
Adaptarse con agilidad: | NIVEL 2: Adaptar procesos/enfoques a nuevas situaciones, implicar a otros en el proceso de cambio.
Actuar con determinación: | NIVEL 2: Capaz de perseverar y hacer frente a múltiples fuentes de presión simultáneamente.
Participar y asociarse: | NIVEL 2: Es facilitador/integrador, reúne a la gente, crea/mantiene coaliciones/asociaciones.
Fomentar la diversidad y la inclusión:*When clicking on “Apply”, you will be redirected to the original job announcement and details
*There are individuals who may use name and trademark in emails and on websites in an attempt to solicit fees from interested job-seekers. Some examples of these fees are placement fees or immigration processing fees. does not use recruiting or placement agencies that charge candidates an up-front fee of any kind. If you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud from someone pretending to be, please contact us at [email protected]
Programme Policy Officer (Protection, Gender and AAP)
World Food Programme (WFP)
$49,697 USD-$78,133 USD / yearly
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Programme Policy Officer (Protection, Gender and AAP)
World Food Programme (WFP)
- Career category: Programme/ Project design & management
- Job type: Job
- Experience level: 0-5 years
- Organisation type: Inter-governmental
- Remote option: No
- Right to work requirements: Right to work required in advance
- Remuneration: $49,697 USD-$78,133 USD / yearly
- Work schedule: Full-time
- Length of contract: Temporary/ Fixed-term
Generic (e.g. 'gender focal point' role Gender equality and Social inclusion (GESI)ABOUT WFP
The World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity, for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.
At WFP, people are at the heart of everything we do and the vision of the future WFP workforce is one of diverse, committed, skilled, and high performing teams, selected on merit, operating in a healthy and inclusive work environment, living WFP's values (Integrity, Collaboration, Commitment, Humanity, and Inclusion) and working with partners to save and change the lives of those WFP serves.
What will you do in this position?Within the Programme Unit, the Protection, Gender and Accountability to Affected Populations (PGAAP) team supports WFP's operation in Ukraine to integrate protection aspects, gender sensitive and transformative approaches, conflict sensitivity and AAP into WFP’s activities, in order to maximize safety, dignity and equality, and minimize social tensions and unintended discrimination or exclusion. The PGAAP team ensures advocacy and capacity building on all matters related to PGAAP for WFP staff and partners, carries out analytical work to underpin evidence-based strategies and activities, works closely with activity managers to ensure gender, protection and AAP is integrated into all aspects of WFP’s work, is responsible for WFP’s community feedback mechanisms, amongst other tasks and activities.The implementation of the above activities will be guided by WFP’s Protection and Accountability Policy (2020), Humanitarian Principles, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), and the IASC Vision and Strategy: Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH, 2022).WFP is looking for a technically strong candidate with excellent collaboration and partnerships skills to lead the PGAAP team.To join us in saving lives, changing lives, you will have:Education: Advanced university degree in one of the following disciplines: law, international development, gender studies, human rights, political or social sciences, or another related field, or First university degree with an additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses.Experience:- At least three (3) years of postgraduate professional working experience in the humanitarian and/or development sectors.
- Experience of undertaking capacity building of colleagues or partner organisations.
- Experience in humanitarian and/or development project management and engagement with multiple stakeholders.
- Practical knowledge integrating humanitarian protection, gender equality, women’s empowerment, accountability to affected populations, disability, sexual and gender-based violence, conflict-sensitive programming and humanitarian principles into humanitarian assistance.
- Supervision, mentoring and capacity building skills.
- Fluency (level C) in both in English and Ukrainian languages.
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Individual Consultant: Socio-Economist/Gender Specialist Expires soon
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Not Disclosed
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Individual Consultant: Socio-Economist/Gender Specialist
African Development Bank (AfDB)
- Career category: Programme/ Project design & management
- Job type: Consultancy
- Experience level: 10+ years
- Organisation type: Development Bank
- Remote option: No
- Right to work requirements: Anyone can apply
- Remuneration: Not Disclosed
Economic justice Generic (e.g. 'gender focal point' role Gender equality and Social inclusion (GESI)The Government of the Republic of Zambia, through the Ministry of Agriculture has received funds from the African Development Bank (AfDB) to support the implementation of the Chiansi Smallholder Outgrower Support Project (COSP). The Chiansi Smallholder Outgrower Project (COSP) is a four (4) year Project that aims to develop an irrigation scheme covering 600 ha of land in Chiansi area in Kafue District. The Project will directly benefit 600 smallholder outgrower farmers and also support social services and other activities such as health, domestic water supply, sanitation and skills development to directly benefit additional 12,000 people (30% women and youth).
The Project development objective is to increase agricultural income and improve livelihoods of the smallholder farmers by increasing agricultural productivity, and market access. This will contribute to poverty reduction, improved household incomes, food security and nutrition, and also build resilience to climate variability/change.
The Project comprises three (3) components namely; (i) Component 1. Development of Climate Resilient Infrastructure, (ii) Component 2. Social Services and Skills Development, (iii) Component 3. Project Management and Coordination
The Chiansi Smallholder Outgrower Project recognizes the importance of addressing gender disparities and promoting gender equality to increase the project impact and benefits. the engagement of a Gender Specialist is therefore essential to ensure the project is implemented with gender considerations, which will lead to more effective and sustainable outcomes, increased beneficiary participation and enhanced project sustainability.
It is against this background that the Chiansi Smallholder Outgrower Project would like to engage the services of an experienced and competent Socio-Economist/Gender Specialist (individual consultant) to provide technical expertise in integrating gender considerations into the project design, implementation and monitoring.
The consultant’s scope of work will include but not limited to the following:
i. Conducting a social and gender analysis that will assess the gender dynamics and power relations in the project area.
ii. Develop a Social and Gender action plan that addresses social and gender disparities and promote equality of the project.
iii. Develop training materials and provide training and capacity building to both project staff and local communities on social and gender sensitive approaches and practices.
iv. Mainstreaming gender in the project implementation and monitoring activities.
v. Review project monitoring and evaluating system and ensure that it is able to track and generate gender sensitive information on project activities
The evaluation criteria:
i. A Master’s degree in Gender Studies, Sociology, Development Studies or any other relevant Social Sciences (30%);
ii. At least ten years of relevant experience conducting gender mainstreaming and analysis (30%);
iii. Demonstrated knowledge of gender sensitive approaches and practices in rural settings (10%)
iv. Demonstrated knowledge of international development partners and or AfDB gender equality and women economic empowerment is an advantage (10%)
v. Proven experience in conducting and managing similar previous work with development projects in rural settings (10%);
vi. Experience in conducting gender related capacity building and trainings (5%)
vii. Excellent communication and ability to work in rural settings with limited resources (5%)*When clicking on “Apply”, you will be redirected to the original job announcement and details
*There are individuals who may use name and trademark in emails and on websites in an attempt to solicit fees from interested job-seekers. Some examples of these fees are placement fees or immigration processing fees. does not use recruiting or placement agencies that charge candidates an up-front fee of any kind. If you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud from someone pretending to be, please contact us at [email protected]
Community, Rights & Gender Analyst
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
$4,462,088 USD-$7,298,924 USD / yearly
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Community, Rights & Gender Analyst
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
- Career category: Programme/ Project design & management
- Job type: Job
- Experience level: 0-5 years
- Organisation type: Inter-governmental
- Remote option: No
- Right to work requirements: Nationals-only contract
- Remuneration: $4,462,088 USD-$7,298,924 USD / yearly
- Work schedule: Full-time
- Length of contract: Temporary/ Fixed-term
Generic (e.g. 'gender focal point' role Gender equality and Social inclusion (GESI)UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience, and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 170 countries and territories, working with governments and people on their own solutions to global and national development challenges to help empower lives and build resilient nations.
Duties and Responsibilities
The incumbent will be reporting to Programme and M&E Specialist.
Ensures the implementation of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) polices/strategies and it is mainstreamed in all the activities:
- Full compliance with UNDP rules, regulations, policies, reporting system and implementation of GESI policies/strategies.
- Develop and implement strategies to address gender and social inclusion barriers in accessing HIV, TB, and Malaria services.
- Conduct gender and social inclusion analyses to inform project planning and execution.
- Build the capacity of project staffs and partners on gender equality and social inclusion principles.
- Ensure project activities are aligned with national and Global Fund and UNDP corporate GESI standards and frameworks.
- Design and deliver appropriate technical support and training interventions, drawing on best practice in GESI, HIV, Malaria and TB work with key population groups.
- Coordinate the recruitment of short-term consultants responsible for additional technical support provision in specialized fields.
- Plan and organize workshops and events, both logistically and substantively.
- Conceptualize and design relevant field research to assess learning opportunities.
- Plan and organize workshops and events, based on the findings and needed identified.
- Create a safe working environment by developing respectful and safe organizational culture and supporting practices.
The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.
Required Skills and Experience
- Advanced University Degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Management, Gender, Human Rights, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Public Health, Development Studies or any other relevant field is required.
- Or A first-level university degree (bachelor’s degree) in the areas mentioned above with an additional two years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of the advanced university degree.
- Minimum 2 years (with master’s degree) or 4 years (with bachelor’s degree) of relevant and progressive professional experience in gender and social inclusion, human rights, or community engagement within the health sector.
- Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and advance knowledge of web-based management systems.
- Fluency in English and Nepali are required.
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*There are individuals who may use name and trademark in emails and on websites in an attempt to solicit fees from interested job-seekers. Some examples of these fees are placement fees or immigration processing fees. does not use recruiting or placement agencies that charge candidates an up-front fee of any kind. If you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud from someone pretending to be, please contact us at [email protected]
Chargé·e de gestion administrative et financière
Centre Hubertine Auclert
€34,000 EUR / monthly
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Chargé·e de gestion administrative et financière
Centre Hubertine Auclert
Hybrid- Career category: Admin, Finance
- Job type: Job
- Experience level: 5-10 years
- Organisation type: Civil Society
- Remote option: Hybrid
- Right to work requirements: Right to work required in advance
- Remuneration: €34,000 EUR / monthly
- Work schedule: Full-time
- Length of contract: Permanent
Movement buildingOrganisme associé de la Région Île-de-France, le Centre Hubertine Auclert est le centre francilien pour l’égalité femmes-hommes. Créé en 2009 sous la forme d’une association, il rassemble des associations, des syndicats, des institutions comme les collectivités locales franciliennes.
Sa mission consiste à sensibiliser, former et informer tous les publics à la nécessité de lutter contre les inégalités et les discriminations fondées sur le genre et à promouvoir l’égalité femmes – hommes. Il apporte de l’expertise et des ressources sur ces thèmes aux actrices et acteurs du territoire francilien, notamment à travers la production d’études, la conception d’outils et l’animation de formations. Depuis 2013, le Centre Hubertine Auclert intègre l’Observatoire régional des violences faites aux femmes.Description du poste
Ce poste est rattaché à la responsable administrative et financière. Son activité sera menée en collaboration avec l’ensemble de l’équipe.Missions
Le ou la chargée de gestion administrative et financière :- Assure le classement des pièces comptables et leur suivi analytique
- Prépare les règlements et facturations
- Contribue au suivi du budget et de la trésorerie
- Contribue à la clôture de l’exercice comptable, en lien avec l’experte comptable
- Participe à la gestion RH courante : suivi des dossiers administratifs de l'équipe, préparation des éléments de paies
- Participe à l'établissement des dossiers de demande et bilan de subventions
- Participe à l’organisation des temps statutaires
- Participe à la création d’une base de données des contacts du centre
- Assure le soutien logistique de l’activité (locaux, matériel, fournitures)
- Participe à l’activité générale du Centre
Profil recherché
- Bac +2/3 Gestion, Comptabilité ou expérience sur des postes similaires
- 5 ans d’expérience professionnelle
- Très bonne maîtrise des outils informatiques et du Pack Office, Excel en particulier (un exercice pratique lors de l’entretien)
- Rigueur, autonomie, capacité d’organisation et d’anticipation
- Intérêt pour le secteur de l’égalité femmes-hommes
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Regional Campaigner ASIA- Feminist and women's movement mobilisation
ActionAid International
Caucasus and Central Asia, East, South and Southeast Asia, West Asia/ Southwest Asia
Caucasus and Central Asia
£40,273 GBP / monthly
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Regional Campaigner ASIA- Feminist and women's movement mobilisation
ActionAid International
Remote (local)- Location: Caucasus and Central Asia, East, South and Southeast Asia, West Asia/ Southwest Asia
- Career category: Comms/ Digital/ Media
- Job type: Job
- Experience level: 5-10 years
- Organisation type: Civil Society
- Remote option: Remote (local)
- Right to work requirements: Anyone can apply
- Remuneration: £40,273 GBP / monthly
- Work schedule: Full-time
- Length of contract: Permanent
Movement buildingAbout us:ActionAid is a global federation working for a world free from poverty and injustice. We want to see a just, fair and sustainable world, in which everybody enjoys the right to a life of dignity, and freedom from poverty and oppression. We work to achieve social justice and gender equality, and to eradicate poverty.
The Role:The regional Campaigner for ASIA in collaboration with other teams' members will:•Devise mobilization and engagement tactics that will enable AA members in the region to recruit, engage, organise, and activate campaign supporters to achieve short-term political change goals and develop a stronger popular base over the longer term.
•Develop strategic campaign methodologies aimed at achieving the goals of the #FundOurFuture Global Campaign ( or future ActionAid Global Campaigns and identify opportunities for regional engagement to amplify the campaign’s impact.
•Build strategic alliances with existing social movements and other campaigning organizations active in the region.
•Facilitate and support campaigning capacity development, learning and knowledge development with relevant actors.
•Support countries to identify strategic allies in the region to advance the collective work to advance ActionAid Global Campaign.
•Assist in fundraising efforts for multi-country and regional projects, ensuring the integration of research, policy, advocacy, influencing, movement-building, and campaigning strategies.
•The campaigner, under the leadership of the Campaign Lead, will foster feminist and women’s mobilization across the Federation, in partnership with members, the Global Platforms, and regional campaigners.
Essential knowledge
• Knowledge of traditional and new approaches to developing and communicating public campaigns, including messages, audiences, and delivery methods, which aim to inspire and motivate people to take action.
• Deep knowledge of social, gender, and climate justice issues, with a commitment to advocating for transformative change.
• Good understanding of digital and distributed approaches, tactics and tools for campaigning and organizing. Essential skills
• Skills in writing and designing campaign actions and other communication materials, using both online and print approaches.
• Strong, demonstrable project management skills, preferably in a cross-cultural and cross-organisational environment. • Strong communication skills and proven ability to translate complicated ideas into clear messages,
• Proven negotiating and diplomacy skills
• A multi-talented generalist, able to take on new issues and master new skills quickly.
• Skilled at using online tools for research and for monitoring.
• Proven ability to think strategically and analytically.
• Proven initiative, flexibility, and enthusiasm in managing complex activities in an organizationally complex and changing environment.
• A proven commitment to teamwork and strong collaborative skills
• Ability to international travel
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English
• Knowledge or proficiency of another language will be an asset.*When clicking on “Apply”, you will be redirected to the original job announcement and details
*There are individuals who may use name and trademark in emails and on websites in an attempt to solicit fees from interested job-seekers. Some examples of these fees are placement fees or immigration processing fees. does not use recruiting or placement agencies that charge candidates an up-front fee of any kind. If you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud from someone pretending to be, please contact us at [email protected]
Feminist Crisis Response Program Officer
Global Fund for Women
United States
United States
$50,000 USD-$100,000 USD / yearly
Posted on:
Deadline to apply:
Open till filled
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Feminist Crisis Response Program Officer
Global Fund for Women
Remote (local)- Career category: Fundraising/ Grant management
- Job type: Job
- Experience level: 5-10 years
- Organisation type: Funds
- Remote option: Remote (local)
- Right to work requirements: Right to work required in advance
- Remuneration: $50,000 USD-$100,000 USD / yearly
- Work schedule: Full-time
- Length of contract: Temporary/ Fixed-term
Movement buildingThe Feminist Crisis Response Program Officer will lead grantmaking and strategic initiatives that reflect feminist principles in crisis response. This position focuses on supporting feminist movements and grassroots organizations globally, with emphasis on the MENA region, and advancing Global Fund for Women’s evolving Feminist Crisis Response strategy to address systemic inequalities and empower marginalized communities globally.The Feminist Crisis Response Program Officer will manage a portfolio of crisis response grants, facilitate coordination with feminist funds in various collaborative spaces, and provide technical and strategic support for Global Fund for Women’s philanthropic initiatives. This person will also contribute to donor engagement and advocacy efforts to promote feminist crisis response principles and mobilize resources.Key ResponsibilitiesGrantmaking and Thematic Strategy- Manage a portfolio of crisis response grantees, including reviewing applications, facilitating grant processing, monitoring, and conducting regular check-ins.
- Develop grantmaking priorities and strategies aligned with Global Fund for Women’s crisis response objectives and organizational priorities.
- Provide technical guidance and support to grantees, enhancing their feminist crisis response capacity.
Philanthropy Networks - Coordination, Collaboration, and Learning- Coordinate with feminist funds, ensuring alignment with collective goals and fostering a participatory environment.
- Organize and facilitate events, webinars, and working groups to share knowledge and best practices in feminist crisis response with donors and grantees
- Support the dissemination of key learnings to inform Global Fund for Women’s broader strategies and advocacy efforts.
- Build and maintain trust-based relationships with grassroots feminist organizations and national, regional and global feminist funds, with an emphasis on the MENA region.
Advocacy and Donor Engagement- Develop advocacy materials and donor education content to promote feminist crisis response principles.
- Represent Global Fund for Women in feminist and humanitarian spaces, advocating for the inclusion of feminist approaches in grantmaking and crisis response policies and practices.
- Provide technical support to Global Fund for Women’s philanthropic initiatives, enhancing coordination and collaboration among global funders for feminist movements.
- Contribute to proposals, reports and communication materials, ensuring they reflect the evolving needs and priorities of feminist movements in crisis contexts.
Key Skills / Ways of Doing- 5+ years of experience in feminist funding spaces, including grantmaking or program management, with a strong preference for experience working in the MENA region.
- Strong relationships with grassroots feminist organizations, feminist funders and feminist movements globally.
- Demonstrated experience in managing grant portfolios.
- Deep understanding of systemic inequalities and feminist principles in crisis response.
- Knowledge of humanitarian and philanthropic trends, especially in the MENA region.
- Demonstrated experience working with women and LQBTQI rights organization and feminist funds.
- Strong project management skills, with the ability to meet deadlines and handle competing priorities.
- Fluency in English; proficiency in Arabic or other regional languages is highly desirable.
- Ability to work effectively across time zones and diverse cultural contexts.
- Understand and embrace feminist, community-centric funding/fundraising principles.
- Ability to travel nationally and internationally.
*When clicking on “Apply”, you will be redirected to the original job announcement and details
*There are individuals who may use name and trademark in emails and on websites in an attempt to solicit fees from interested job-seekers. Some examples of these fees are placement fees or immigration processing fees. does not use recruiting or placement agencies that charge candidates an up-front fee of any kind. If you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud from someone pretending to be, please contact us at [email protected]

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