End-term review evaluator for our Generation Gender programme



Remote (global)
  • Career category: Monitoring & Evaluation /MEAL
  • Job type: Consultancy
  • Humanitarian or Development: Development
  • Experience level: Other (specified in job description)
  • Organisation type: Civil Society
  • Remote option: Remote (global)
  • Right to work requirements: Anyone can apply
  • Renumeration: $25,065.80 / One-off
  • Deadline: 25/08/2024
  • Location: Remote (global)
Sexual & reproductive rights (SRHR) Health
The Generation G partnership strives towards the creation of gender-just and violence-free societies with and for young people in their full diversity. The partnership raises public support, advocates for improved policies and laws, and strengthens civil society to contribute to achieving gender justice. It thrives on the diversity, strength and collaboration of experts, evidence-based and evaluated approaches, cross-country learning, and global advocacy. 

Programme background

The Generation G partnership raises public support, advocates for improved policies and laws, and strengthens civil society as a means to contribute to gender justice. More specifically, this partnership engages an innovative gender-transformative strategy that equips youth leaders and civil society organisations to address the root causes of gender inequality and power imbalances. Engaging (young) men in promoting gender justice is a key component of this strategy.  

The key approach of the programme is a gender-transformative approach. A gender-transformative approach  focuses on the following elements: a) investing in amplifying young feminist voices; b) strengthening the role of young men as allies in gender equality; c) promoting human rights and youth agency; d) analysing and addressing harmful norms and unequal power relations; e) embracing sexual and gender diversity. 


The end-term evaluation of the Generation G programme has two-fold objectives: programmatic focused and collaboration focused. Detailed objectives are: 

  1. Evaluating the effectiveness of the programme
  2. Evaluating the partnership collaboration
  3. Evaluating the relevance and validity of the theory of change

The partnership calls for an external, independent party to address these objectives clearly and comprehensively in all seven countries where Generation G has been implemented. Results from the end-term evaluation needs to provide insights for future programmes. 

The succesful applicant

The successful application will identify key personnel within the evaluation team who meet desired criteria such as the following:  
  • Master’s degree or higher in social sciences or related fields such as public health science, political science.  
  • Advanced skills in the realist evaluation approach, as well as quantitative and qualitative research methodologies;  
  • Proven track record in the evaluation of advocacy programmes, gender justice, meaningful and inclusive youth participation gender-transformative lobbying and advocacy, youth-inclusive policymaking and legislation, particularly in long-term assignments such as this one, that have been implemented in multiple countries;  
  • At least five years’ experience in the development sector;  
  • Knowledge of human rights, gender justice, gender-transformative lobbying and advocacy, intersectionality, youth agency, youth-inclusive policymaking and legislation and collaborative programming, including approaches to engage men and boys;  
  • Proven experience in working with the realist evaluation approach; 
  • Proven experience in working with qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis for evaluations;  
  • Network with research institutions and/or independent consultants in the South; 
  • Ability to work independently, take initiative and respond appropriately to constructive feedback; and 
  • Experience in sharing and discussing review findings with clients, in-country partners and beneficiaries, and within an international research network.

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